Hodak Legal B.V.

De Zaale 11, 5612 AJ Eindhoven

Hodak is a creative and innovative Dutch law firm

Hodak enables both its international and local clients to excel in the dynamic Dutch business environment, providing personalized solutions to every legal challenge

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Your key to excelling in the Dutch business world


Welcome to Hodak law firm. The firm provides high quality legal advice to the local business owners, international companies, the non-profit organizations and the individuals. Hodak specializes in handling complex case with a clear and effective approach and communication. It strives for client success through dispute prevention and through a strategic and tactical approach in legal processes, supported by the in-depth knowledge of various sectors and a strong international focus. Transparency, integrity and accessibility are Hodak's core values, through which the firm builds a relationship of trust with clients.

arbeidsrecht icon square

Employment Law

Labor disputes and disagreements can be both energy intensive and complicated…

Contractrecht Icon square

Contract Law

Whether you enter into a business or personal agreement, the basis is always a legal contract…

Tax Law

Hodak provides tax-legal support to companies, organizations and individuals. Whether it concerns tax…

Fiscaal Recht Jurist Icon square

Corporate Law

Hodak offers advice and legal assistance on virtually all facets involved in business and operations…

Ondernemingsrecht Icon square
Immigratierecht Icon square

Immigration Law

Immigration law deals with matters related to the admission, residence and removal of non-Dutch citizens…

Mediarecht Icon square

Media Law

In the realm of the media, which includes newspapers, TV, radio and the Internet, the search is on for a balance…

Family Law

Family law matters are often emotionally charged, especially when it comes to divorces involving children…

Familierecht Icon square

Real Estate Law

Conflicts in real estate and construction law can not only jeopardize your projects…

Vastgoed en bouwrecht Icon square
arbeidsrecht icon square

Employment Law

Contractrecht Icon square

Contract Law

Fiscaal Recht Jurist Icon square

Tax Law

Ondernemingsrecht Icon square

Corporate Law

Immigratierecht Icon square

Immigration Law

Mediarecht Icon square

Media Law

Familierecht Icon square

Family Law

Vastgoed en bouwrecht Icon square

Real Estate Law

Intellectuele Eigendom

Intellectual Property

Would you like legal support from a Hodak lawyer in the Netherlands?

Maxim Hodak

Maxim Hodak


Welcome to Hodak, the law firm providing a full spectrum of advocacy and legal service for any complexity. Hodak combines international experience for solutions that fit your purpose with strategies developed in close consultation with you.

Hodak's clients operate both in the Netherlands and internationally. Thanks to its global network of specialists, Hodak can also support you across borders, with your attorney as your personal point of contact for all matters.

Hodak speaks English, Dutch, French, German, Russian and Ukrainian to serve you in a variety of languages. Welcome to the firm, where legal excellence and service are paramount.

Hodak Legal B.V.